BIG 49 Text line 1833 374-8103 BIG 49 Request line 1 866 49-Big49 .
BIG 49 Text line 1833 374-8103 BIG 49 Request line 1 866 49-Big49 .
Big 49 Request line 1866-49-Big49
Just submit your bands song to We will go thru the tunes pick the hits from the shit. Remember we don't own the song or anything about you. We are just a radio station helping a brother or sister out. All the legal shit is on you!! Don't steal someone else's song and call it yours!! We look forward to hearing what you've got !!!
06-25-2023 Segment 1
06-25-2023 Segment 2
Taylor Hawkins Drummer for the Foo Fighters Passed away today 03/25/2022 in Columbia. Having worked with Taylor on several occasions I can say he was a good dude. Our hearts go to Taylors Family and Dave Grohl our sincerest condolences. Taylor was one hell of a Drummer. Moto Man ...